For the second part of our festive blog series, we got in touch with Kathryn Cronin (aka @fierceblooms), a seasonal and sustainable flower grower and florist who also happens to have a Snug hut in her canalside cutting garden. Here, she tells us how her Plankbridge hut fits into her business and her life during the winter months…
Increasingly, life is feeling like less is more. Less stuff, more seasonal moments, and that’s what our hut brings us – an escape and a sanctuary. Still cosy enough in the winter to plot and plan our cutting garden, and where, in truth, there is an eternal Christmas with green glass baubles that never get taken down, and of course, the odd wreath.

In the winter months, when family visit, the hut provides a perfect spare bedroom, and another space if the fully festive activities get too much. And while we sit by the fire and look out over the canal for the swans and the kingfishers, the hut is our perfect place to dream up new plans while we wait for the snowdrops… and feel warm but still very close to the garden outside.

The Snug hut is sited in our canalside cutting garden and is a practical space where I run my flower and herb growing business fierceblooms. We’re passionate about growing the ingredients we use for our seasonal wild garden style floral decorations. Early morning, the hut is perfect for keeping the flowers cool and for brewing the very necessary cuppa. I use the hut for cosy floral classes to inspire a change to more environmentally friendly floristry. I believe we can encourage a more sustainable way of living, and being outside in the hut, with the wildlife and garden buzzing around us, the hut facilitates that inspiration.

Our designs are rooted in nostalgia and this is one of the reasons we bought our Plankbridge hut. Craft and care for materials matters and the hut is a heartfelt home for fierceblooms.