The Shepherd's Hut Garden Office

A shepherd's hut garden office designed just for you

For many people there is a big incentive to work from home, and during recent years the ability to do so has only increased. It definitely does have its attractions and many work hybrid so they get the best of both worlds with a garden office. It seems glib to say the morning commute is a few steps up the garden path, but it’s true. We’ve made and delivered so many shepherd’s huts that are now set up in back gardens as a home office for all sorts of professions. These spaces provide a year-round, daily place to work. Some may have basic facilities inside (such as an ensuite or small kitchen unit) and you stay there all day, other hut-workers may return to the house for breaks and lunch.

Set up your shepherd’s hut exactly how you like it, with everything you need to hand (so you can always find it). You may find you unlock your inner potential and get more done.

Creating more space in your home

A shepherd’s hut often frees up a spare room or the dining table in the house back to family use. It is an attractive idea to keep all work items and thought processes in their own dedicated space. Although you will be working from home, there is still a physical transition in the morning from home to work, simply separating work life from home life.

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